Artists & Activist Museums Video Links

Below we have compiled a short selection of videos in which leading professionals in the sector address issues explored in this collection.

A group of video discussions explore issues raised in “The Activist Museum” publication, exploring the identity, expression, and vision of the activist museum.
Alistair Hudson, Director of Middlesbrough Institute of Modern Art, disusses the idea of Museum 3.0 as a museum embeded within, and responsive to its communities needs. In the Axis seies Beyond the Gallery
Antoinelle LaFarge, author of Sting in the Tale: Art, Hoax and Provocation discusses Fictive Museums: Artist as Institution at Museums without Walls Conference, Queens University, Ontario, September 2022
Beauvais Lyons , Artist and Director of the Hokes Archives discusses his work as a fictive artist in this Creative License programme from 2011.
Nina Simon Author of the Partici[atory Museum discusses Opening up Museums in TEDx talk, santa Cruz, 2012.
Dr. Richard Benjamin, Head, International Slavery Museum, Liverpool. discusses Museums and Social Justice: Taking a Stand, 2021
La Tanya Autry, curator, activist, and Museums Are Not Neutral co-founder, discusses Reform or Revolution : Centering Social Justice in Museums at Elon University, North Carolina. 2018
Clare Patey, artist, curator and director of Empathy Museum discusses her practice at the Centre for Eudaimonia and Human Flourishing, 2022
Dr. Robert Janes author of Museums in a Troubled World and The Paradox of Change, discusses the Mindful Museum, at The School of Museum Studies
The University of Leicester, UK, 2013
Dr. Robert Janes and Robert Samdell discuss the book “Museum Activism”with Bruno Brulon, 2021